Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My Mission Statement of Intention.
It is my Intention to attract personally motivated clients, who are willing to embrace, appreciate the benefits of Hypnosis and pay me well for my services.
Note; if you are making an appointment to satisfy some one else, but have little personal desire for the Goal. Please do not waist my time and your money. Although Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool, Hypnosis cannot give the desire to change, or any thing else you do not “personally” want.
One of the laws of Hypnosis is “what is expected tends to be realized”. So if you believe that Hypnosis will not work you are right, and also if you believe Hypnosis will work, and help, you are right as well. In either case you personally are the one in charge of your life.
It is My Intention to lovingly, intuitively, listen to my clients, Dreams, Goals, Aspirations, fears, concerns, with out Judgments of any kind, Develop a plan of action that is decided fully by my clients. Then to use the tools of Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy for Self Discovery, Awareness, Understanding, Love, forgiveness, and the Implementation of the clients Decided plan of Action.
It is my Intention to respect every client’s privacy, and not discuss any and all discoveries, with any one with out previous permission from the client, even if “the client is a minor”. I may use insights in public presentations, but with out the use of your name.
Permission, as well as personally attending the appointment is required for all Minors, No exceptions.
Payment for all sessions is due in full at time of Hypnosis Session, but may be prepaid, as well. I prefer Cash or check for payment.
It is my belief that we all have the innate ability to create our own healing. My expertise and training is in teaching you holistic principles, guiding you in self-discovery and supporting you in your healing transformation.
I do not diagnose, treat or cure and anything I say or do is not to be taken as such. All Hypnosis is self Hypnosis so if you receive benefit it is because you personally allowed the powerful tool of hypnosis to give you its benefits. If you are seeking medical advice or assistance, please contact the appropriate medical professional. I look forward to our working together.
I reserve the right to refuse my services with out reason, to any client at any time.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis
What is hypnosis? Does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, combined with heightened suggestibility and concentration. It is a direct way to reach the subconscious, which governs our habits and behavior. While you are deeply relaxed, your hypnotherapist makes suggestions, which are agreeable to you, about what changes you are ready to make in your life. You visualize these changes and, after the session is complete, you naturally act on the suggestions to achieve your goals. Hypnosis definitely works to help you change your life through the power of your mind!
Am I asleep or in a trance during hypnosis?
No, you are not asleep or in a trance during hypnosis. You are in a state of deep relaxation. You must still be conscious in order to hear the suggestions. It feels very similar to the first five minutes when you fall asleep. You may hear the dog next door barking or be aware of someone else in the room, but you don't want to open your eyes or move. However, if you had to open your eyes and get up, you could, because you are not asleep and are always in total control.
Can the hypnotist make me do funny, weird, or bad things?
No. You are awake, relaxed, and in total control throughout the entire session. No hypnotist can ever make you do anything you don't want to do. People do funny things for a stage hypnotist at a comedy club because they volunteer to go on stage; they expect the stage hypnotist to ask them to do funny things. If they really don't want to listen to the hypnotist's suggestions, they don't. For example, if a hypnotist asked you to do something immoral or unethical (such as hit somebody or rob a bank) you would reject the suggestion. You have the same free will to reject "silly" suggestions at comedy shows.
Can I be hypnotized?
Dreaming, daydreaming, and experiencing "highway hypnosis" (when you're driving down the highway and all of a sudden find yourself at your exit) or (in the morning when you need to wake up you are aware of sounds in the room but it just feel to good to get up) are all examples of being in a hypnotized state. Just about anyone can be hypnotized (except if you are psychotic or below average intelligence). Whether the hypnosis works depends mostly on how much you want to change that part of your life. Its all up to you!
To Make an appointment Call (928)- 774-7315
Summit Chiropractic ~ Charles W. Lyon Clinical Hypnotherapist
Client Personal History
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Home: Work:
Age: Date of Birth: Marital Status:
Who referred by Do you have a Prescription for this Appointment
Childhood nicknames:
Number of Children: Ages:
Describe your present relationship with family members:
Who is your physician?
Are you on any medications? If so, what kind?
Have you ever been in counseling? What kind?
Religious preference if any ?
What is your reason for seeking help now?
Have you sought help for this problem before?
What do you think is the cause of your problem?
Price per Hypnosis session $90 first session $60 fallow up sessions
Payment of session is due in full at time of Hypnosis Session, I prefer Cash or Check, but credit card also available.
It is my belief that we all have the innate ability to create our own healing. My expertise and training is in teaching you holistic principles, guiding you in self-discovery and supporting you in your healing process.
I do not diagnose, treat or cure and anything I say or do is not to be taken as such. If you are seeking medical advice or assistance, please contact the appropriate medical professional. I look forward to our working together.
The above is understood:
Client Signature Parent/Guardian for clients Under 18
Date ___________________
What are some of the things hypnosis can help?
Stop smoking, lose weight, improve confidence, improve your sleeping, reduce stress.
“Any thing the mind can conceive it can achieve”.~ Napoleon Hill
This is an Indication of how powerful, your mind truly is.
You can improve your golf game, or any other sport you participate in.
I have personally seen chronic Pain completely removed. (pain work Must be referred by medical Doctor)
The Blues removed completely.
I have seen Fears completely removed.
I have seen people’s memory improve so tests can be taken with complete confidence.
Improve your self esteem.
I have seen people have what doctors describe as a miracle healing as a result of a mind focused on healing mind states.
The healing process can be enhanced and also completely stopped just with the power of your own mind.
You can Discover Gifts and abilities you didn’t know you had.
Find a source of inner peace that will transform any difficulty or hart brake.
Self Discovery and Understanding is one of the greatest benefits to Hypnotherapy.
You can understand every part of why you think the way you do, why you react to situations, the way you do.
Do You Love yourself Just the way you are?
Is your life experience filled with Joy and happiness?
You can completely change your life experience even if every thing in your life remains physically the same, because your experience is a product of how your mind perceives, and interrupts what happens, instead of what physically happens.
Every part of your life can be enhanced and benefit through Hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, combined with heightened suggestibility and concentration. It is a direct way to bypass the critical mind and directly reach the subconscious Mind , which governs our habits and behavior. While you are deeply relaxed, your hypnotherapist makes suggestions, which are agreeable to you, about what changes you are ready to make in your life. You visualize these changes and, after the session is complete, you naturally act on the suggestions to achieve your goals.
It is normal to have healthy skepticism, and you should keep an open mind and be willing to learn how hypnosis works. Hypnosis is actually the most natural form of healing in existence. The Egyptians first utilized hypnosis as a method of healing around 1000 BC. By the 1800s Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were utilizing hypnotic techniques in their work. Finally, in 1958, the American Medical Association officially approved the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic practice.
You are awake, relaxed, and in total control throughout the entire hypnosis session.
In fact Many Clients who achieve all of there desired goals, don't believe they were even Hypnotized, But Just relaxed. ( Stage Hypnosis Gives a False impression of How Therapeutic Hypnosis Works.) A Very Light Trance Can produce every thing, You desire.
For clients in the Flagstaff Az area, your first session includes an orientation to hypnosis. Once you completely understand how hypnosis works, you and your hypnotherapist will develop a personalized program for achieving your goals. Each session lasts for about 45 min to 1 1/2 hours, and most hypnotherapy programs are 2 or more sessions.
A Little History of Hypnosis
The term “hypnosis” originated with the work of a Scottish surgeon, James Braid, working in the 1840s,and it comes from the Greek root word hypnos- (meaning sleep). It refers to a state of consciousness that in many ways is like sleep, but allows a variety of mental and behavioral responses to stimulation. In response to suggestions to the unconscious, even memory patterns and the awareness of self may be changed.
When hypnotized by someone else, the subject may appear to relinquish his or her own will—seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting in accordance with the suggestions given. Depending upon the depth of the hypnotic state and the strength of the suggestions, the subject may even accept as being real certain distortions of memory and perception offered by the hypnotist.
Hypnotic techniques have been used for thousands of years. Certain healing therapies conducted by priests in ancient Egypt, Greece, and China greatly resemble cur–rent hypnosis practices. The modern rediscovery of hypnosis is generally attributed to Dr. Franz Mesmer (1734-1815). An Austrian physician working in Vienna and Paris in the late 1700s, he discovered that some ailing people obtained relief when magnets were brought near their bodies. Patients were instructed to sit as a group around an open container of water in which magnetized metal bars were visible. Occasionally, a patient would seem to fall into a sleep like state and, soon after regaining consciousness, be much improved or even fully cured. Later, Mesmer discovered that the magnets were un–necessary. He found that results could also be obtained in some cases simply by touching the patient or by touching the water before the patient drank it. To his mind, the touching of the water “magnetized it.” Mesmer theorized that he and other people had “animal magnetism”—that they had access to a kind of mysterious “fluid” which was stored within and could be transferred to others and thus effect a healing. Soon there were over 100 groups of people in France performing similar healings; they were called the Society of Harmony.
A protégé of Mesmer, named Chastenet de Puységur, felt that he, too, had this power of “animal magnetism” and magnetized a tree on his property. Peasants living nearby who came in contact with this tree reported obtaining relief from a variety of ailments. However, Puységur soon found that it was unnecessary for people seeking a cure to fall into the convulsive-like fits which often characterized Mesmer’s work (and can still be seen in the present at some charismatic healing services). Using a technique in many ways similar to modern hypnosis, he demonstrated that beneficial results could be obtained simply by talking to the patient.
These developments caused such a stir in Europe that a special investigative committee was appointed in Paris to study the new phenomenon. Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Joseph Guillotin were among those serving on this committee. Their conclusion was that no mysterious magnetic “fluid” exists, and, whereas some of the remarkable cures effected by Mesmer and his followers could not be denied, the committee attributed the healings to “mere imagination.” Largely because of the findings of this committee, hypnosis fell into disrepute and further scientific investigation was neglected.
In the early decades of the 19th century, mesmeric techniques continued to be practiced by some. It was Dr. James Braid who not only gave us the modern term hypnosis but from his hospital work also reached a critical insight about the nature of hypnotic technique. While agreeing that no magnetic fluid was involved in the process, he reaffirmed that something significantly therapeutic was involved. In an effort to separate this phenomenon from theories of animal magnetism, he asserted that the concentration of attention in a single focus was the major factor in stimulating the hypnotic effect.
The late 19th century saw a reawakening of great interest in hypnosis. The Austrian physician, Sigmund Freud, learned of the techniques during visits to France and was impressed by the possibilities of hypnosis for treating neurotic disorders. In his own practice he began to use hypnosis to help some of his patients remember disturbing events from the past. As his system of psychoanalysis began to take shape, however, he rejected deep-state hypnosis in favor of the technique of relaxed-level free association. This may have been at least partly due to difficulties he encountered in hypnotizing certain patients.
In the 20th century there has been an impressive amount of experimental research with this hypnotic phenomenon; however, there is no one theory that is universally accepted by practitioners. Broadly speaking, there are two camps among professionals who work with hypnosis.
On the one hand are those who feel that hypnosis is a distinct altered state of consciousness, in many ways resembling sleep. In this altered state of awareness the subject responds to suggestion in a rather automatic and non-critical fashion. The focus with this theory is the proposed reality of altered states of consciousness.
On the other hand are those who feel that it is unnecessary to theorize about other states of consciousness in order to explain the workings of hypnosis. People operating from this perspective stress that behavior during hypnotic episodes can usually be explained in terms of social or interpersonal dynamics and learned behavior. As examples, they point to the placebo effect, which is demonstrated when a patient obtains relief from a neutral or inert pill given by a doctor simply because the patient has expectations that the physician’s remedy will work. Another example from this point of view would be the ease with which a child or impressionable student will change his or her way of thinking about an issue to match that of an admired parent or teacher. According to this second theory, hypnotic responses are therefore seen as the mere result of interpersonal influences and subtle kinds of learning which don’t require the concept of altered consciousness.
What does research psychology tell us about the induction of the hypnotic state? One helpful ingredient is belief or acceptance on the part of the subject. Responsiveness is increased to the extent that the individual who is being hypnotized believes that it is possible. The depth of hypnotic effect is also enhanced to the extent that the patient feels that what will transpire during the hypnotic session is congruent with his or her “wishes.”
Research also shows that if appropriate preparations are taken, tape-recorded induction procedures may be just as effective as the “live” voice of an experienced hypnotist. This finding is especially significant in light of the procedures recommended in this book. The author will encourage you to make your own self-hypnosis tape recordings and to use the sound of your own voice as an induction.
As a further reassurance about self-control during hypnosis, research indicates that the hypnotic state cannot be induced against the individual’s own desires or will. As previously stated, this places the control within the person himself who is experiencing the hypnotic state.
What does clinical research show about the nature of hypnotic suggestion itself? There are certain qualities of speech that seem to be especially beneficial to the process. Qualities of directness and simplicity—as well as insistent intensity—are often ascribed to effective wordings of suggestion. The use of vivid visual imagery— word pictures, which suggest specific images and invite the participation of the imaginative forces—is especially good. Direct commands are not as effective as a more gentle, implicit, or indicative form of speech. In other words, it’s probably not the best hypnotic suggestion to give an order, such as “raise your arm.” Instead, the hypnotic induction might more indirectly include wording in which it is suggested that the arm is feeling light, or that the arm feels as if it has helium-filled balloons attached to it, etc.
What kinds of results might we expect from hypnosis, either that conducted by a trained professional or that which is conducted by oneself? Research suggests that post-hypnotic suggestions are especially effective in the corrective treatment of strong habit patterns. You will find that many of the suggested hypnotic programs or “cycles” in this book are ones which deal with these kinds of self-limiting habit patterns that many of us en–counter in daily life. In fact, research indicates that post–hypnotic suggestion is more effective in influencing this kind of habitual behavior than it is in influencing more straightforward, trivial tasks. However, for most of us, the need and desire to change ourselves relates not so much to simplistic behaviors in life, but, instead, to more ingrained subconscious habit patterns habits of behavior, attitude or emotion—from which we hope to free ourselves. It is with these habit patterns that we endeavor to get assistance through hypnotic techniques.